Consent Preferences
Through the Woods Psychology, a mental health service provider in Calgary, came to me with a big concern: their brand felt disjointed. They also lacked a distinct brand presence and had no clear differentiator. And like many of my clients they were having a hard time putting these together themselves. They were simply too close to the business to see it clearly. They wanted to refine their brand both internally and externally, aiming to showcase their values of a culture that prioritizes relationships and connection. The primary challenges identified were:

  • Inconsistent branding, both visually and in their messaging
  • Standing out from other mental health providers
  • Lack of brand reputation & trust in the marketplace
  • A plan to get to the next stage of growth
  • A guide for making informed future branding choices

Seeing the Forest For The Trees

Brand strategy
Identity Design System
Brand Photography Plan

Through the Woods Psychology


Website Design
Graphic Design
Marketing Strategy

I teamed up with Through the Woods Psychology to breathe new life into their brand and infuse it with their own unique story, mission and values in order to humanize their business and attract clients and talent that resonate with them on all these levels. Our main goals were:

  • Create a cohesive and standout brand identity
  • Create a platform to expand their offerings to include things like group sessions and specializations
  • Attract a team of like minded professionals
  • Build stronger relationships and trust with clients
  • Boost their reputation and presence in the market
  • Give them a visual and verbal guide from which to pull from for future marketing efforts

A Breath of Fresh Air

We began the discovery process by exploring their story, figuring out what made them unique, what they valued, and the kind of change they wanted to bring to their clients and their industry so that we could bring their unique voice to their brand.
During our brand discovery journey, we took some time to figure out the visual style that would best represent the brand and make it distinct in its industry. We put together a stylescape to help steer the branding's look and feel, focusing on themes of calm, approachable, and organic.

Visual Brand Style

Michelle Poon, Founder & Registered Psychologist at Through the Woods Psychology

"Angela has a very creative mindset allowing her to display options that I couldn't pinpoint. Great divergent thinking that describes how we want TTW Psychology to be portrayed."

"Review #2 goes right here. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway dollar toast iceland. Mlkshk,  tousled flannel celiac pork belly roof party. Poke vexillologist vaporware."

"I tripled my sales using your method!"

"To add more reviews, just duplicate this canvas view and swap out the text and photo. Vice paleo bitters before they sold out, single-origin coffee marfa subway tile tilde activated."

"Working with you was a dream. Thank you!!"

michelle poon

Forging a New Path Forward

Working with Through the Woods Psychology was a rewarding experience. We successfully redefined their brand, aligning it closely with their core values of connection and engagement. We designed a beautiful new brand identity that builds trust with their audience. Our strategic branding efforts have positioned them for future growth and success in the competitive mental health industry.

Have a project you want to talk about? Let's chat!​